von , über "Sunrise click 10000+" von Sunrise , am um 21:12 Uhr

Sunrise limitiert traffic mit dreamhost servern massiv

ich kopiere der einfachheit halber mein mailverkehr mit dreamhost, da sunrise ja sowieso nichts zur lösung des problems beitragen kann. darin schildere ich denen mein problem. kurz gesagt: via sunrise habe ich von meinem ftp (physisch in den USA) 20 k/sec. via swisscom oder cablecom habe ich die normalen ca 300 k/sec. getestet auf 3 verschiedenen sunrise click 10000+. schade, denn auch meine e-mail laufen via dreamhost. das kann dann dauern, wenn jemand eine pdf oder eine jpeg schickt.

meine tests basieren auf demselben file auf ftp. einfach einmal via sunrise, einmal via swisscom (zufällig bei mir im geschäft auch anliegend).

würde mich interessieren, wen sunrise ausser dreamhost (immerhin einer der grössten providern weltweit) sonst noch limitiert.


On Mon, 10 Oct 2011, you wrote:


i have a strange encounter with a swiss internet provider and my
ftp@dreamhost. when i am downloading through my provider (called sunrise) i
get 20 k/sec. when i switch to another internet provider (e.g. swisscom) i
get the full speed of 300 k/sec. this issue with sunrise i have at home,
where we use them too and i have seen it at a friend who uses them too.
everything else with sunrise works. full speed with all other ftp that i use,
except for dreamhost. line is full speed with everything except dreamhost.
what are they doing? they seem to block traffic with you to almost nothing.
they say they cannot change the fact, they dont know... attached i send you
two traceroute protocols, one to you via sunrise one to you via
swisscom/bluewin. can you help?

thank you for taking care of this.

I don't see any problems with that server at this time.

Unfortunately we can't provide a minimum guaranteed (upload or download)
transfer speed. The speed will normally vary throughout the day and is
effected by several factors; the load on the server, the internal network
load as well as your connection to the Internet and through the Internet
itself. Most of those are out of our control.

Various Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may be restricting data flow
(possibly on a protocol level). Unfortunately this is out of our control.
It sounds like in this case you have an ISP that is limiting your
connection speed. I'm sorry.

David J

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